As for Gorillas, her great Grandma and Grandpa Sumner sent her some money for her birthday and we were able to get her some clothes and a book (she LOVES looking at her books). We got her an animal book. There is a gorilla on one of the pages and I taught her that they beat their chest. She now imitates that when she comes to the page with the gorilla :). (I'll post a video on when my camera decides it wants to talk to the computer.)
The unfortunate event that she has now gone from 3 hours of nap to 2 and 1/2 and even the half hour she often doesn't sleep. Sad to see it go as it is already hard enough to get things done with the 3 hours but that wonderful thing called life continues on and she just continues to grow and learn.
Speaking of growing our little girl has turned one!!! I still think about it and can't believe it has been over a year now since we brought our baby home. Oh how quickly the time rushes by! Funny to think about being kids when all the adults tell you "Just enjoy life while you can. It goes by so fast." And you just roll your eyes and wonder how you can enjoy whatever you are facing at that moment. And the feeling that it will never be over. Then suddenly there you are standing in those adults shoes thinking how right they really were. Realizing you've been out of high school 6 years already. Her birthday was fun she didn't really get into her cake until it had fallen on to the floor and was handed back to her. She started by just picking tiny pieces of frosting off then the tiny letters they had put on it. After it was dropped however she thought it was pretty fun to kneed it, needless to say it was a mess :)!
Some paper chain vines we had up for decorations at her party!
Her very own monkey cake to dig into.
She kept following around Heather with this green bag like she knew the present was for her.
"Want some?"
Some of our wonderful friends who joined us at Samantha's Celebration. Heather Crossley and Jackie Wride holding her son Dallin.
Colum Wride and Alan & Rhonda Wheelwright.
Jessica Garner, Brittney & Tommy Tew, and of course Dad (aka Dan)
And last but not least Mom and the birthday girl Samantha Jean with her new hat from Heather!!!
Need less to say our little girl is growing and learning and getting older and I'm glad to have such a sweet little girl to call my daughter. Another fun thing Samantha has been a lot more cuddley and will just come up and put her head down on you and smile or she likes to come up beside me wrap one arm behind my head and with her other hand pat my face :) She also has been giving big "kisses" She is a dear sweet little girl!