I am sitting here with my sweet daughter sitting next to me ( 16 months already!) looking at magazines and I am thinking about the normal progression of life. The normal ups and downs, the countryside, the rolling hills of life. I just said good bye to a very good friend, and I hope she sees me the same. Her and her sweet twin boys (one of which was having a hard day today, 4 molars all at once) and her very kind husband were leaving on one of their ups in life. He got accepted into a radiology program in Oregon. I am happy things are happening for them but I was thinking how much I will miss all the fun conversations I had with her and how much Samantha loved playing with her boys. Samantha would always look across the parking lot "Boys? Boys? Boys?"
It has been hard living here in Idaho sometimes, we live in "married student ward" which means for all of you who aren't Mormon ( AKA members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) that the people we go to church with are students. Our "ward" or congregation is in a certain geographical area. Our ward becomes like a large extended family and with it being a student ward people move on. I love getting to know new people but I am inclined to hang on to the old ones as well... I often like things to stay the same, it's comfortable. But as my best friend said in a letter change is exciting. I hope I can learn to embrace that very soon.
On the other end of the spectrum on my upside of things. I got one last letter from my best friend who will be coming home from her mission in Japan THIS MONTH! I won't get to see her for awhile longer but she will be closer! Another up... we got new neighbors kitty corner in our four-plex. And for the first time in the 2 years Dan and I have lived here we have a neighbor that shoveled both sides of the walk and next to everyone elses cars! How nice :) ! Another up is that in May I will get to see my family(my parents, an Aunt, a cousin and her fiance, and my parents ward family, and my school family too.) I haven't been home since I got married in the end of '09. Another up is with our Tax returns we will be able to pay off some of our student debt! Very exciting being able to get rid of debt. And the closer we get to paying off our student loans the closer we are at being able to think about buying a house or for Dan getting a motorcycle. We have also had the kindness showed us of being invited to 2 different peoples houses for dinner in a month. I always enjoy our time with other couples and families. I was also able to talk to one of my very best friends last night and she is doing well! I hate living far away from so many people that is another of my downs but it is nice to have skype and cell phones and emails to talk to people even when they are far away.
I guess looking at this there is a momentary sting from a parting but there are many blessings to remember as well... I hope the Lord helps me to see the ups and helps me magnify them and lengthen them out and that the sorrows can be shortened in my reminiscent upon the good.
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