So as for This is good. Samantha is growing like crazy and learning more and more things daily! She can now say peach, bye, hi, nice, woah, none as well as others I can't think of at the moment. She can almost say bird... comes out more like bir at the moment. I can get her to say bir and I can get her to say duh but we haven't gotten to bird yet. Bear and pear sounds more like beaw and peaw.
It's a monkey Trap :)
This is how I found her :) 
St. Patty's day dress 
Daddy and his little girl
A Lot :) 
So as for it's hard... trying to eat healthy and exercise. I get so frustrated with it sometimes. It's hard to balance eating enough but not to much. It's hard but I am down to 137.8. It is amazing to think that I weigh 58lbs less than in High School. WOW almost 60lbs lighter! Crazy.
Picture on the left is from January and the Picture on the right is from March, about 12 lbs lighter!
As for REALLY hard I have been trying to cut out sugar for a month... not doing to well but I'm working on it. I in the almost 2 weeks I have been doing it have eaten (sweet junk food) 1/2 a small cookie, 1/4 of a sugar cookie, and we had muffins for dinner one day. I did a few nights ago said no to a very tasty looking chocolate chip cookie and a cup cake today.
As a second note I got my Idaho drivers license! I was nervous about getting it but it didn't turn out to be so bad :)
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