Wednesday, December 12, 2012

An apartment, A house, and another House

So we said good-bye to our home of almost 3 years! 2years and 10 months in our little two-bedroom apartment! It was a little emotional for me; I may just say it was pregnancy emotions ;). That little apartment saw our first and second anniversary, the birth of our little girl, as well as her first and second birthday. Lots of memories and some other things I will miss about our apartment is the wonderful “neighborhood” there was. We had lots of wonderful people around us, I will miss the sweet smell of the little plums on the warm fall days and the seeing the cows and horses just down the road when we went for walks. I don’t think we could have asked for a better first apartment.

For now though here we are in out temporary housing. Our bishop at church was kind enough to find a friend of his to rent us this place. It’s an older house but it has plenty of room.  Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a laundry room, and garage. The kitchen has plenty of space not that we are using a whole lot of it as we are trying to stay mostly packed except what we need. It’s odd living out of a suitcase and sleeping on an air mattress but when you almost think you’re not going to have anywhere to live, a roof over your head is an amazing blessing. For that matter a roof over your head and food to eat is just a blessing in general! To know that the snow or rain won’t fall on your head that you can lock your doors and be safe and sound and that your belly will be full. Plus the park is only two blocks away! So on the nice days Samantha loves going to the park!
Dan & My room in the Apartment

Other side of our room

The closet, which I thought was great Idea to have it divided.

Monkey's room


Living room ... Good bye to our little 2 bedroom apartment. The first place we called home

Funny girl eating in our temporary housing, before we got her chair back

The living room... we had our 2 camp chairs to sit on :)

Kitchen dining room


Laundry room

Living hallway

Monkey's temporary room

2nd bedroom

Hallway closet

Dan and My room


Main Bath, loved the curved shower bar!


Bathroom... great mirrors!

As for another house… we are waiting on our house. It is moving along slowly but surely. The fire has really thrown a monkey wrench in our plans but as always the Lord works things out better than we could imagine, if we just trust Him! We thought we could be in by the end of September but that turned into the end of October and now we are looking at the end of November! But like I said the Lord is watching out for us. Due to the fire we are getting 5 new windows throughout the house, some of which were old drafty windows from 1950! We are getting beautiful rustic maple cabinets in the kitchen and we got to choose our own paint, carpet and flooring, for the kitchen. So this has been and currently is a crazy process but in the end it will all be a wonderful blessing! Plus the asbestos that was hanging out in the living room is exiting!!! So all in all I’m sure it will be wonderful inside when it gets done!

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