Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Smart girl!

Kind of crazy not having internet because it forces me to sit down and think more about what I want to write and say and also I have more time to think of what has been going on. So anyway I would love to say I have the smartest baby ever but I’m sure there is some kid out there who is ridiculously smart and far more advanced but my kids no dolt! She may only be two but my little girl can count to 10! That’s right Samantha can count to 10. She gets stuck on 4 for whatever reason but she when she is concentrating it sounds something like this
Samantha “1,2,3,1”
Mom or Dad “4”
Samantha “5,6,7,8,9,10.”
It’s funny because when she gets to the end sometimes she starts shouting. She also knows some of her letters and when I was saying the alphabet to her the other day she knew what letter was next occasionally! What an amazing little girl! She drives me crazy sometimes but she is still absolutely amazing!

Since then it' is now January and Samantha is still learning like crazy! She is learning her shapes. Can count to 11 or 12 and knows her colors pretty well :) She amazes me daily at how much she learns :)

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