Thursday, December 22, 2011


I once heard that ingratitude is a sin so I will make sure everyone knows I am so grateful for all I have!!! As you all know it is the Christmas season which is as always a wonderful time of year! To start with the lights and parties but I say of this season I am most grateful for the kindness and love. I am blessed with so many friends and family who are wonderful beyond words! I put all my Christmas cards I received on my wall around my temple picture and I (with that alone) feel very loved!

Another thing is, it is wonderful to look under the tree and see so many wonderful gifts (mostly for our sweet little girl) to know that she is loved and taken care of is a wonderful feeling to me. But not only have we been blessed with so much for sweet Samantha Jean but Dan and I have also been given so much! We were blessed with enough that we were able to pay for our Anniversary trip next year! We aren't going anywhere like a 5 star hotel in Hawaii or anything but it is a blessing to know we will be able to do that. Able to do something fun to celebrate something so wonderful as being married to an amazing and wonderful man. As well we were able to buy some small gifts and put some money into our rainy day fund. We were not expecting anything nearly so much as that!

We are also blessed with so many friends and the kindness they show us. 2 couples were completely willing to watch Samantha yesterday so we could go to Dan's Christmas party. They didn't charge us anything and we know Samantha is in good hands. It is beyond words to say how nice it is to get out of the house and not have to worry!

And none of this is to mention Dan's amazing boss and work place. His work provided for the Christmas Party dinner and free bowling along with prizes(we got a 16 piece grill set) , a certificate for a free ham (got one for a turkey at Thanksgiving), and a box of delicious handmade chocolates for all the employees. This is not to mention winning Dan's desk decorating contest which we won and got $40s in gift cards.
Or how about getting a gift card to go out to dinner from another family member or our neighbor giving Samantha a gift (I'm just guessing but she made her 12 grandchildren knitted blankets so it may just very well be a blanket,and that takes a lot of time )as well she gave us a large tray of fudge and butterscottch candy she made. All I have to say is WOW. How is it that I am so blessed? That I have a roof over my head and food to eat, that I live in a great place surrounded by amazing people, and have the best family (mine and Dan's) in the world.  I have a smart baby who is growing and learning. I have a vehicles to drive and I know they are reliable. How amazing to just realize all I have been given!
In the ensign (a church magazine) as an activity for the kids it suggest naming 100 things you are grateful for. I think I just might... I may just post it up here when I'm done.

Well in closing up this post I say to all of you friends of mine who take the time to read this I love you. I appreciate all you do for me weather it be watching Samantha, sending your prayers, a smile, a kind thought or word or whatever form it is in Thank you. I am most grateful for all the Lord has seen fit to bless me with and I hope I am able to pass that blessing along! I hope I am able to keep the Christ season alive and well all year long. Merry Christmas friends and family I hope you are as blessed as I am and that your New Year is more wonderful than the last.

My two greatest blessings.

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