Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Random Catching up stuff...

So Halloween was a week or so ago now but I thought I would put some pictures up of our little lamb :)
She wasn't really happy about the hat part. We didn't actually take her trick or treating as we figured if she couldn't say it she wasn't really ready. We went to the ward party for church though and she ran around like a crazy person so we didn't make her wear the hat because we didn't want her getting to hot.
Dan and I were going to go and Mr. and Mrs. Bo Peep but as all the Bo Peep costumes looked like they belonged to hookers we decided against that and Dan went as a greaser and I went as a vampire, although I couldn't get my teeth to stay so I wasn't a vampire at the ward party hmmm. Hope I don't have problems getting dentures to stick that could be bad lol ;)

That's my handsome hubby and the wee babee in the back ground :)

This was on Halloween I was going to answer the door and say Good Evening but no one ever came to get candy... kind of sad but true.

Other random stuff Samantha has of late taken to crawling in her box that her toys go in... not sure why but it's kind of funny. She just climbs in and just plays for awhile.
Also she LOVES horses!!! There are some just down the road that she loves to pet when they are up by the fence and she is very upset when it's time to go!

 She is very good at gentle hands :)

The top picture was becuase it was time to go and the bottom picture is our horse friend who comes up to say hello :)

A day or two after the video we went to pet the horses again but down the fence a little ways from where we normally are and unfortunately for me it was an electric fence. Well Samantha, the horse and I got a bit of a shock when Samantha decided to see if it was active. Everyone is fine but it was quiet the surprise!

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