Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Things I've learned...

Life is kind of fascinating in the fact that the Lord gives you those moments where the light bulb comes on and you kind of just say to yourself "OH!"  I had one of those this Sunday.
   As a brief history of sorts I have a down stairs neighbor who is, very nice, but a little strange and seems to ask a lot of favors. I've been praying to have more charity as was talked about in a talk from the Relief Society General Broadcast ( I love helping people but at the same time I often feel they are inconveniencing me. Oh poor me.It is one of my worst faults. I often after helping don't mind and am glad I did but anyway back to the story. At church someone gave a talk and told a story about  a group of boys who let another boy play with them but it was more as to be the joke of the group than anything else. Well one of the boys he just really looked up to and it was his turn to host the camp out. And all the boys told him since it was his camp out he had to be the one to tell the boy they didn't want him there. So the boy rides up on his bike while all but the boy hosting hide in the tent. The "unwanted" boy is beaming and just happily talking away when he realizes the other boy is being distant and not talking. He stops and just waits and the sentence is given " We don't want you here." They boy tears up and heads back to his bike leaving. And the boy who said it regrets it of course but didn't know how to take it back. The person giving the talk then relates it to the scripture Mosiah 18:8-9 ", as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;  Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as a witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in , even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life--" It hit me that I have promised to do this I have promised to be kind. The need to remember all I have has been given by the Lord and is not my own. And I find that as I am unkind to others it always comes back to bite me! Alma 41:15 "For that which ye do send our shall return unto you again..." I find for me that statement to be very true in deed. If someone asked for my help or asks to use something, if I have it and don't help it always seems very shortly after that I am in need of something and have no one to turn to. So I will continue to pray for an increase of charity and try to watch my thoughts a little more closely!

       Another think I have noticed is that the Lord really is aware of each of us. I often like to pass out treats and the other day I made a batch of oatmeal craisin cookies and took a few to a neighbor of mine. She told me how much she loved crasins and that she had been having a hard day. It was meant to be! Out of all the people I know I happened to bring it to her something she loved on a day that was hard and then again last night I had made another batch of treats and the person I was wanting to give it too wasn't home so my dear sweet husband suggested giving it to their upstairs neighbor who we also know and again the wife informed us that she had, had a hard day and that the treats were much appreciated! Amazing how much the Lord knows each of us!

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