Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wise words and something I realized...

So for the wise words there is a talk and I hope all of you will listen to it or read it. It's titled "You Matter to Him" I know all of you aren't the same faith as me but it is about God's love for each of us. That no matter where we are or if we feel small and insignificant that He sees each of us and loves each of us.
A quote from it:
"This is a paradox of man: compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to God."
I included a link for anyone who wants to read it or like I said listen to it (the options are to the right of it to watch or listen)

For the something I realized part is actually an experience thanks to my sweet Samantha Jean. She is such a dear sweet girl! A few scriptures come to mind, those of becoming as little children.
"...becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love..." Mosiah 3:19

"Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:4
I think I understand these scriptures better. So a week ago or so my neighbor comes up to ask about something and is just talking to me and Samantha starts playing with her shoes (she loves Velcro). My neighbor loves Samantha so she lets her play with them :) Samantha wanders off then just comes back and hugs her legs. That surprised me because Samantha only usually hugs Dan and I. It just made me realize how much all if us need to be loved. Weather we have tattoos, smoke, go to church or don't, have a big family or a small family or no family at all. We all need to know that someone out there cares, even if it's in a small way :)What an amazing little girl with an amazing capacity to love even and just over one. I am grateful God saw fit to bless me with such a beautiful amazing little girl!

1 comment:

  1. I just read that talk last night and it is definitely a GREAT one! I love when certain talks just hit you and you realize something that hasn't clicked before or that you know you just need to be better at! Good job Samantha! ;)
